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While at Berklee, I took a number of courses specifically analyzing composition and production for advertisements. Throughout my studies, I produced several different compositions underscoring various advertisements. The first listed below is an advertisement that has no other sound besides what I've composed, allowing me to have more creative freedom with the composition. It captures the wonder of a child while also keeping the eeriness of Cirque de Soleil, a collaborator of the commercial. The second one is a Reebok commercial, and it exudes a motivational spirit, while also underscoring a speaker.

The other two are earlier demos I created, working the composition around sound FX. 

Air Canada Student Demo

Student Demo

Volkswagen Student Demo

*This is a work in progress, and currently has a beep representing the product represented in this video. The beep is quite loud, so use discretion with volume.

Purina Student Demo

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